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A modern staircase with blue railings and concrete steps is visible through a large grid of windows. The building has a clean, minimalist architecture. A decorative flower and bird mural is present at the bottom of the stairs. There is a prominent sign with the letter 'F' on one of the window panes.
A modern staircase with blue railings and concrete steps is visible through a large grid of windows. The building has a clean, minimalist architecture. A decorative flower and bird mural is present at the bottom of the stairs. There is a prominent sign with the letter 'F' on one of the window panes.
A modern residential complex with white facades and geometric architecture is surrounded by lush greenery. The buildings are stacked and interconnected in an intricate, unique pattern. There are swimming pools, pathways, and walking bridges visible within the complex. The skyline of a city with high-rise buildings can be seen in the background under a cloudy sky.
A modern residential complex with white facades and geometric architecture is surrounded by lush greenery. The buildings are stacked and interconnected in an intricate, unique pattern. There are swimming pools, pathways, and walking bridges visible within the complex. The skyline of a city with high-rise buildings can be seen in the background under a cloudy sky.

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